Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yes. This is the very beginning. The beginning of life, universe and everything. At least for me.
This blog may or may not be entertaining, but frankly, thats not my concern. I've made this blog for my family and friends. A way to keep them informed about what exactly am I up to. I'm a Rotary International Youth (IYE) Exchange student. This year, 20 students from our district will be going to countries from all over the world, and 20 coming to our district from the respective countries through the exchange. We are supposed to go there, live with 2 or 3 host families, the first being the exchange student's family and learn about their way of life, their festivals, the way they are celebrated in that country, significance of various things in that country, culture and so on.
Most of all, this programme needs you to be independent and responsible. Some qualities I need to inculcate in myself desperately. I will be going to France. To the city of Lille, in North Eastern France. I am to depart on the 26th of August and suggested return is by July end next year. As of now, my extremely adorable host brother, Raphael, whose family I will be living with for a few months has been living with us for almost 2 weeks now. Sequential events related to him will be posted shortly. :D

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