Monday, July 27, 2009


Raph arrived in India on the 14th of July. My family and many other Rotarians were at the airport to welcome him. His plane landed at 11:30 in the night, but it took him almost 1 and a half hour to get out. Me, Tejas and Shailee were at the very entrance to greet him. And he didn't even have to wear the "flashy blue vest" as he ha informed us for us to recognize him.. :D
It sure is flashy. Anyway, everyone greeted him and then we got home. We were told to give him a traditional welcome. So, there it was. A grand traditional welcome. Some of our family friends came over and we cut a cake, no idea why.. But he was thrilled. Soon we all went to sleep. That was it about Raph's arrival and first day in India.
Oh, totally forgot to mention this. It was pretty AWESOME. :D


  1. remember at one point we decided to leave cause we could not wait anymore! but is felt so so good receiving him! finally.. after all that waiting..

  2. Yeah! I thought he changed his mind and decided to not come or something. But I'm glad we waited.. Haha
