Friday, July 31, 2009

Rotary picnic '09

Honestly, I wasn't very excited about this. And I didn't even remember the last time I attended a Rotary picnic. Probably was in the prehistoric times or something. But I am NOT hesitating to say that this one was one of the best Rotary picnics that I have attended, EVER. (Okay, there weren't many in the first place, but, you get the point right?) Somewhere in Bhiwandi. Yes. I know how that sounds. And I reacted in the exact same way when I first heard of the venue. But here's what I learned. When you have a pool, rain dance equipments, some awesome music along with awesom-er people and food, WHERE you are, remains hardly of any importance. We were exhausted when we started off from Kachrali talao in two heavy buses early that morning. And Raph had rightly decided to get some sleep on the way so he'd be fresh, but that was obviously impossible with fifty people screaming in his ears. And then we reached. And then we ate. And then we danced. And then I got pushed into the water. Then I got THROWN into the water. Then I jumped into the water, and so on. We ate again. And danced again. Ate, and danced. And then got tired. We were so tired.. But for some reason, out of all the teenagers who had the potential to play that game, I was chosen. And I wasn't even allowed to debate. The game went nowhere, all participants were equally low. So, we just skipped the games part and went ahead with the coffee. And then we left. On our way back, we did sleep. Me, Jhels the Pels, Raph and Ams. All four of us. ONLY the four of us. Others still seemed charged. That made me wonder. Don't some people ever get tired? Or is it like the suck all your energy and refill their own tanks? I must not mention names for security reasons, but some people just can't seem to get a hold of their mouth. They HAVE to talk. All the time. Even if everyone they know is wanting to just find a bed and SLEEP. At the end of it, we were all black. And still are. No wait, Raph and Ams are pink. But I know everyone one of us will agree to the fact that it was all worth it. :)

French etiquettes.

There are loads and loads of them. If I were to sit and have lunch on the same table as that of a French family, I'd sure want to keep a rule book open. Let me now enlighten you.
  • Never open your mouth while chewing your food.
  • Never open your mouth while eating.
  • Never talk with something in your mouth.
  • ALWAYS sit straight and eat.
  • Once you serve yourself some water, make sure you ask everyone on the table for the same. EVERYONE. Otherwise you're just rude. Raph said he actually remains thirsty sometimes.
  • Always use a fork and a knife. Even if you're eating crabs. Yes.
  • If you want to leave the table, be courteous and ask for permission. "Je peux quitter sil te plait?"
These are just a few, but also the principle ones. There are extremely minimal chances of my survival there. But that doesn't bring any change in my excitement levels. Woohhhhooooo!

And notice in the picture how when everyone is being well mannered and sophisticated, Raph is letting years of frustration out. :D

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Raphu's first day/night out!

We did go out before, like to CCD. :D Raph's first party in India was Srushti's 18th birthday. On the 17th of July. Now Raph, like me, SLEEPS. He doesn't sleep, he SLEEPS. There was this once when he slept at 10 in the night and managed to be up at 1 the next afternoon. He is way ahead of the great avuncular one even. :P So, I asked him to sleep the whole day in order to be in for some late night stuff. We first went out for dinner to Goa Portugese. Now, it was obviously a bit too spicy for him. But he was still okay. Even I find stuff there a little spicier than usual. It was amazing though, the food. 1 advice, never order chicken there. Not that it's not awesome enough, just that it's GOA PORTUGESE. You go there for sea food. Even if you don't like it, stuff it in your mouth, it'll grow on you. Stuff stuffed crabs. They're the best. Me and Ash managed a cake some how, but wasn't the best, I must admit. And we weren't secretive about the cake surprise even. I shamelessly asked the guy to get us the "box"(my only attempt at hiding the surprise) in front of Sru the Pru. :D So we leave from there, and go to Play. There, it was CROWDED! So crowded, that I couldn't step on a piece of land without a human/hooligan occupying it already. And if we DID try to get a place, people around stared at us as if we were going against the law. Sheesh. But it got better, nice music, dance, stuff. Raph was enjoying except for the crowd part. For him, he manages place anywhere. Even in the crowd at 7:30 pm at Thane station. It's because of how tall he is. He is.. wait for it.. 6'2. Yes. 6'2. I'm 1 foot shorter than him. 1 whole foot. Anyway, thanks to that advantage, he stood high and strong in the crowd, and kept dancing. All in all, it was fun.. Srushti is now 18. Goal achieved. Success is ours. Victory, forever. *Glorious music.. some more.. and more* I think its time I stop watching Captain Linger videos on Youtube.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The early days.

Since Raph has arrived, there hasn't been a single day that has NOT been eventful. Except today. Which explains why this is my second post on the same day. With Raph, there is another exchange student from Belgium, Amelie. She is staying with Shailee, and Shailee will be going to her district in Belgium.
Since Amelie and Raph, both speak French, they very understandably get pleased to see each other. In their first week, they attended their very first Rotary meeting. Me and Shailee had to introduce Raph and Amelie respectively. So we did. They had to talk a little something too.. And they did. They made us proud by speaking two Hindi sentences as well.
"Namaste, mera naam Raphael hai. Main ek French student hoon. "
Today I added one more sentence to his list. Now it goes like,
"Mera naam Raphael hai. Main ek French student hoon. Mujhe khaana do." :D
After the meeting, we went out for dinner to Barbeque Nation. One of my favourites.
Amelie still finds Indian food a little spicy, but fortunately, Raph enjoys everything thoroughly.
Particularly Dal. Yes. Dal. Oh yeah, he detests idlis. Rickshaws interest him immensely. We have a folder full of rickshaw pictures only on our pc. And since Amelie has told him she spotted an elephant on the road, it has been his ambition to get him and an elephant which is on the road in the same frame and click a picture. Raphu the Paphu I tell you! Tres mignon! :)

Monday, July 27, 2009


Raph arrived in India on the 14th of July. My family and many other Rotarians were at the airport to welcome him. His plane landed at 11:30 in the night, but it took him almost 1 and a half hour to get out. Me, Tejas and Shailee were at the very entrance to greet him. And he didn't even have to wear the "flashy blue vest" as he ha informed us for us to recognize him.. :D
It sure is flashy. Anyway, everyone greeted him and then we got home. We were told to give him a traditional welcome. So, there it was. A grand traditional welcome. Some of our family friends came over and we cut a cake, no idea why.. But he was thrilled. Soon we all went to sleep. That was it about Raph's arrival and first day in India.
Oh, totally forgot to mention this. It was pretty AWESOME. :D

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yes. This is the very beginning. The beginning of life, universe and everything. At least for me.
This blog may or may not be entertaining, but frankly, thats not my concern. I've made this blog for my family and friends. A way to keep them informed about what exactly am I up to. I'm a Rotary International Youth (IYE) Exchange student. This year, 20 students from our district will be going to countries from all over the world, and 20 coming to our district from the respective countries through the exchange. We are supposed to go there, live with 2 or 3 host families, the first being the exchange student's family and learn about their way of life, their festivals, the way they are celebrated in that country, significance of various things in that country, culture and so on.
Most of all, this programme needs you to be independent and responsible. Some qualities I need to inculcate in myself desperately. I will be going to France. To the city of Lille, in North Eastern France. I am to depart on the 26th of August and suggested return is by July end next year. As of now, my extremely adorable host brother, Raphael, whose family I will be living with for a few months has been living with us for almost 2 weeks now. Sequential events related to him will be posted shortly. :D