Friday, August 14, 2009

The Illegal compartment day.

We'd left to get Raph, Amelie and Keenon admission in ruia. Shailee was going to meet us in college and Ams the Pams wasn't well, so me and Raph took the Star bus or whatever. Which is pretty awesome.
Mais, il fait trop froid dans le bus. We reached and then went to college. I tried to get my ID card, but they asked me to come between 2 and 4. I was obviously too lazy to wait. :D Then I showed Raph around. And then Maithili, Keenon and Shailee were there. The Principal was out of station, so, we couldn't get to him. We decided to collect our visiting cards (YES. :D) and the flags and pins and stuff from the Rotex people instead. So, Shailee drove to Bandra. We went to the girl's place, got our stuff, drank coffee, ate biscuits, spoke to people, forgot that Sukriti was waiting in the car downstairs, then remembered that Sukriti was waiting in the car downstairs, then ate real fast, and left. We ate some more at Subway after that. Outside Subway though, we saw a couple of eunuchs. Raph had an obvious doubt about their.. let me put it this way.. appearance. Then we explained to him some gruesome details, after which he thought it was asbolutely necessary to say the world out aload a zillion times in public. Shailee and Sukriti wanted to shop after that, so me and Raph decided to take the train from Sion station. This is where the fun part starts. We waited for the train. Then, I made sure we were getting into the 2nd class general compartment(the worst of the lot) and sat down. After a while, I realized that it just didn't quite SEEM right. The seats, the emptiness. It was all bothering me in a way. The seats were in pairs of 2, and there was only 1 man in the compartment. What added to the discomfort was the way they were looking at the two of us. Like, "don't you think you're just a BIT too.. out of place?". Me and Raph just couldn't help but laugh. THEN, out of nowhere, Raph was pointing at something below and saying "dead man! dead man!". When I looked below the seats in front of us, this is what I saw:

Yes. A sleeping, as good as dead man. We could not miss the opportunity of clicking pictures. We got plenty. :D Then, at some station, a guy tried to get in the compartment and the man already inside made him go away. That's when I asked what was wrong with THIS compartment. The man replied saying, "Yeh illegal compartment hai". Raph asked me what that meant, I said "This is an ILLEGAL compartment." and then paused to get a reaction. Like I had expected, both of us burst out laughing. We laughed SO much. We got down at Ghatkopar station. Then, Raph gave me his classic, "Its RIDICULOUS" look and asked me, "So, it's like that? Ladies 1st class, ladies 2nd class, General 1st class, general 2nd class, illegal compartment.. blah blah?"

So, that's it. This was when me and Raph got out safe, sound and alive from an illegal compartment. I now have a folder on my pc with pictures saying "Illegal compartment day". Now that THAT'S done, it's one thing off my "Countless things to do before I die" list.

Friday, August 7, 2009

The walk home.

This is the post in which I'm going to tell you about our walk home. Our walk half way home actually. It was a salsa night. Different strokes dance classes, which I attended for salsa lessons organize a salsa night once or twice a month. Its usually held at sprint in Vihang Palm Club, and is a whole lot fun IF you enjoy salsa.. and IF you have an idea about it. Watching people dance is entertaining, no doubt, but being able to do it yourself is a completely different thing. Which is why Raph didn't start enjoying until he started dancing himself. :) Salsa is honestly, very easy for girls. If you know your basic foot work well, you have to leave it to the guy. The guy leads, and the girl follows. Yes, the harsh reality of life. But it still is enjoyable. And from personal experience, I can say that it makes you do wonders. There have been times when I had no idea what to do, but I blindly trusted my partner, and then its magical.. You surprise yourself. You do a lot of combinations of moves, stop for a second, look at the partner and gasp, "What was THAT?". The best part is, the girl turns, the girl does all cross body moves, so viewers obviously are in awe of the GIRL. You do almost nothing, and steal the show. Thats salsa for you. :) Its not ALL that easy, you have to have heels on, you have to have a good sense of balance, you have to make sure you don't fall and get embarrassed. Thats the most important part, cause it is highly probable. Especially when you are not at all used to wearing heels and WALKING even. Dancing gracefully is real far fetched. The best part of salsa is the music. You can dance on almost anything and everything. This salsa night was dedicated to the God of Pop, Michael Jackson. We danced to the tunes of "Thriller", "Beat it", and even "They don't really care about us." Je trouve le musique du salsa trop romantique. Lets get back to what WE were up to that night. Me, Jhelum and Raph left home at about 8 and then waited for Shailee and Amelie FOREVER. Finally, when they arrived, we were dancing. You can't really refuse when people come and ask you to dance, so, I was having a nice time. And Raph was amazed by how well people were dancing. Amelie was trying to teach him a few basic moves. And he even got them right. He gets EVERYTHING. So, then he was having a nice time too. Jhels the Pels got to dance too. :P Soon we all got exhausted.. It was midnight, and we had to get home. We got out, and not a single rickshaw. So, we had to walk down. I remember how it hadn't rained for two days in a row, but we were out on the road, at midnight, wearing feet killing heels, exhausted, hungry, with a tight schedule to keep up with the next day, desperately trying to get home. So it HAD to rain. It was obviously, completely necessary. We reached the samatanagar gate, and then gave Tejas a call to pick us up. We waited, drenched and tired. Then we did the routine. Clicked pictures. Isn't that what we all do when there is nothing left to do? Anyway, Tejas was there after a while, and we got home. The walk though, I will never forget. :)

Monday, August 3, 2009

The "P" language.

Let me tell you about the "P" language.
Mind you, it is the awesome-est language EVER.
Steps that should be followed to achieve complete control over this beautifully sculptured language:
  1. Think about what you want to say well before you start speaking.
  2. Now think about each individual word.
  3. Say each word followed by the "P" form of that word. The "P" form is when you replace the first letter of any word with "P".
  4. For names, you can abbreviate. Like, Raphu the Paphu for Raphael.. And Ash the Pash for Ashwini. Or the very NOT appreciated, Jhels the Pels for you-know-who. :D
  5. When you say the entire sentence, each word followed by its "P" form correctly, your goal my friend, is achieved.
  6. For example: Sru the Pru and the pand Ash the Pash invented the pinvented this the piss language the panguage and the pand i the pie love the pove them the pem for the por this the piss. Muah the Puah!
This is about it. May sound manageably easy, but I'm sorry to say that it needs a lot of effort.
And no questions on why the letter "P" was chosen will be entertained. :D
So, keep Practising and Propagating.
